On December 31, 2020, the Trump Administration extended a proclamation that suspends may J-1 visas through March 31, 2021

This includes J-1 Exchange Visitors in the Au Pair, Camp Counselor, Intern, Trainee, Teacher, and Summer Work Travel Programs.

Our goal

With your help, we aim to support the exemption of the J-1 Exchange Visitor Programs from the June 22nd Proclamation.

What You Can Do


Sign and Share the Petition

To raise awareness in your community

Write a Letter to Congress

To raise awareness with your Congressional leaders

Write a Letter to the President

To alert the Administration about the impact on our country

Print and Share #SaveJ1

To highlight the positive impact of the Exchange Visitor Program

What We Have Achieved With Supporters Like You



Educational and cultural exchange organizations, American host businesses, industry associations and local Chambers of Commerce have signed a coalition letter to President Trump



former U.S. Ambassadors signed a letter​ to the White House


letters​ have been sent to President Trump and Congress



#SaveJ1 hashtag impressions

Impact on U.S. Economy, National Security and Public Diplomacy


Cultural exchange programs contribute to the U.S. economy each year.*

Exchange program participants cite the cultural exchange component, not the work component, as the primary factor in taking part in the program.*

World leaders is an exchange program alum.**

Exchange program participants developed a more positive opinion of the U.S. after their program experience.*


* Source: EurekaFacts reports and fact sheets on Au Pair, Camp Counselor, Intern/Trainee, and Summer Work Travel programs.

** Source: U.S. State Department fact sheet, 2019.